HTML Attributes

HTML attributes are special instructions you add to HTML elements to define their characteristics or behavior. They act like modifiers that provide additional information about how an element should function on a webpage.

Imagine an HTML element as a basic building block for a house. The element itself might be a window, but you can use attributes to specify the size of the window (tall and narrow, short and wide), whether it opens and closes, and even what kind of material it's made out of (wood, vinyl, etc.).

Here are some key points about HTML attributes:

  • Written within start tags: Attributes are included inside the opening pointy brackets < > of an HTML element.
  • Name/value pairs: They typically come in the format name="value", where "name" specifies the type of attribute and "value" defines the instruction for that attribute.
  • Variety of functions: There are many different attributes, each serving a specific purpose. Some common examples include defining links for anchors (<a> tag), setting image sources (<img> tag), or specifying form controls (<input> tag).
  • Enhance element behavior: By using attributes, you can control how elements appear and function on a webpage, making your HTML code more versatile and informative.